- Course Aim
The course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the foundational theories, principles, and emerging challenges in the field of development studies. Through rigorous exploration, students will develop the analytical tools and critical thinking abilities required to address contemporary global development issues. This dynamic, interdisciplinary field is concerned with political, social, and economic change, and it brings together a multitude of ideas, theories, and debates in both their historical and current contexts. The course sheds light on the challenges facing sustainable development on local, regional, and global scales. The primary focus is on applying the skills and knowledge gained to raise students’ awareness of the world’s most pressing needs and devise effective strategies to address them. Students will engage in discussions surrounding competing development paradigms and will be equipped to critically reflect on their own national realities.
- Expected Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the competence to:
- Describe the core principles and theories that shape the landscape of development studies.
- Analyze intricate concepts related to human transformation and various developmental theories.
- Explain the evolutionary journey of human transformation and the accompanying theories.
- Apply developmental theories to assess well-being and economies facing underdevelopment.
- Evaluate the influence of capitalism and colonial legacies on underdeveloped nations.
- Assess the applicability of development theories within the context of developing countries.
In addition, students will develop the following knowledge, skills, & competencies:
• Identify and comprehend development issues and challenges.
• Understand international development cooperation and its impact.
• Apply concepts and theories to practical development issues.
• Critically read and analyze political development literature.
• Propose pertinent solutions to improve socio-economic conditions.
• Design a development project.
- Course Status:
- Credit Rating:
10 Credits
- Total Hours Spent:
30 hrs
20 hrs
15 hrs
Independent Study
15 hrs
20 hrs
- Course Content
This course covers a diverse range of topics:
Module 1: Introduction to Development Studies
1.1 Concepts and Definitions of Terms
1.1.1. Development Studies
1.1.2. Description of Development
1.1.3. Core values of development
1.1.4. Human development
1.1.5. Sustainable Development
1.2 Transformation of the society
Module 2: Theories of Social Development
2.1. Bourgeois theories
2.1.1. Bourgeois political economy
2.1.2. Modernization theories
2.1.3. Neo-liberalism
2.2. Marxist Theories
2.2.1. Marxist theories
2.2.2. Dependency theories
2.2.3. World System theories
2.3. African nationalist theories
2.3.1. The African Renaissance Theory
2.3.2. Liberation and developmentalism
2.3.3. Democratization theories
Module 3: Contemporary Issues in Development
3.1. Poverty
3.2 Corruption
3.3 Climate change
3.4 Global health security
3.5 Gender
3.6 Food security
3.7 Environment and Development
3.8 Science and technology
Module 4: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
4.1. Sustainable Development Goals
4.2. Implementation of the SDGs
4.3. Relevance of SDGs to Developing Nations
Module 5: Globalization and International Development Co-operation
5.1. Dimensions of globalization
5.2. Effects of globalization
5.3. LDCs challenges of globalization
5.4. Regional co-operation in the global South
5.5. Main goals and functions of regional integration
5.6. Africa’s experiences of regional co-operation
Module 6: Democracy, Governance and Development
6.1. Forms of Democracy and Principles of Good Governance
6.2. The role of central government, local governments and civil society in development
6.3 Politics of aid and conditionality
6.4. Governance and human rights in LDCs
- Teaching and Learning Activities
The course will be delivered through a blended mode. The course will employ a variety of teaching and learning methods, including interactive face to face lectures and synchronous/asynchronous online lectures, multimedia lecture casts, demonstrations, engaging group assignments, dynamic seminar presentations, and individual assignments for self-directed learning. Case studies and scenarios will be used to illustrate practical aspects.
- Assessment Methods
Assessment methods are comprehensive and diverse:
- Knowledge Assessment: Written examinations will evaluate theoretical knowledge.
- Skills Assessment: Presentation assessments will assess analytical and communication skills.
- Competency Assessment: Collaborative assignments will evaluate design, management, and collaboration skills.
- Practical Assessment: Practical exercises, community engagement, and internships will assess the application of theoretical knowledge.
- Continuous Assessment: Regular quizzes, tests, assignments, essays, group discussions, debates, and presentations will evaluate understanding, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication abilities.
- The final assessment will include a university written examination.
- Required Readings
- Acemoglu, D. & Robinson, J. (2013). Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. New York: Crown Business.
- Amadu Sesay, Moshood Omotosho (211). The Politics of Regional Integration in West Africa, Wacseries Vol.2 No.2 OSIWA: WACI, West Africa
- Beer De Frik and Swanepoel, H. (2000). Introduction to Development Studies. Oxford University Press, South Africa.
- Chambers, R. (2012). Provocations for Development. Warwickshire: Practical Action Publishing.
- Dill, B. (2013). Fixing the African State: Recognition, Politics, and Community-Based Development in Tanzania, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Elizabeth Nduku, John Tenamwenye (Ed) (2014). Corruption in Africa: A Threat to Justice and Sustainable Peace, Globethics.net Focus No. 14: Switzerland
- Fiona Nunan (2015). Understanding Poverty and the Environment: Analytical Frameworks and Approaches, Routledge: UK
- Jennifer Elliott, (2013) An Introduction to Sustainable Development, (4th Ed), Routledge: UK
- Kelle, V., & Kovalson, M. (1973). Historical Materialism: An Outline of Marxist Theory of Society. Progress Publishers.
- Leys, C. (1996). The Rise and Fall of Development Theory. Indiana University Press.
- Minishi, L. (2012). Understanding Co-operatives in Africa: A Handbook for Students. Nairobi: Acacia Publishers.
- Mutalemwa, G. (2015). People’s Organisations in Tanzania: Strengths, Challenges and Implications for Development. Vechta: Uni-Vechta.
- Noman, A. & Stiglitz, J. (2012). “Strategies for African Development” in Good Growth and Governance in Africa: Rethinking Development Strategies in Noman, A., Botchwey, K., Stein, H. & Stiglitz, J. (Eds). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Potter, B Robert and Desai, V. (2000). The Companion to Development Studies. Oxford University Press Inc. New York.
- Roberts, J. T., & Hite, A. (Eds.). (2007). The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Rostow, W. W. (1960). The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto. Cambridge University Press.
- Shanmugaratnam. N (2011). Development Theory in Historical Perspective and An Overview of Development Studies, Zed Press
- Shivji, I. (2013). “Democracy and Democratisation in Africa: Interrogating Paradigms and Practices”. African Review, 40 (1) 1-13.
- Thomas Tanner, Leo Horn-Phathanothai (2014) Climate Change and Development, Routledge: UKAS
- Recommended Readings
- Escobar, A. (2018). Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds. Duke University Press.
- McMichael, P. (2016). Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective. Sage Publications.
- Sen, A. (2000). Development as Freedom. Knopf.